Soil Shrinkage, Compaction, & Settlement

Image shows concrete driveway that may have experienced soil shrinkage, compaction, or settlement.

The weight of concrete can cause it to sink due to soil shrinkage, compaction, and settlement.


How your soil affects your concrete

The soil found under your concrete plays a large part in possible damage. Depending on the conditions in the soil, the weight of your concrete walkways, driveways, patios, and more can slowly sink over time, resulting in trip and fall hazards. Three common soil conditions are soil shrinkage, compaction, and settlement.

Soil Conditions, Explained

Let’s take a look at the soil conditions that cause sinking concrete:

  1. Soil Shrinkage - The soil under your concrete needs moisture to maintain stability. The soil will shrink when water is removed from the soil due to drought conditions or long periods of dry weather. The weight of the concrete will press down on that shrinking soil and cause cracks and sinking.

  2. Compaction - Within the soil under your concrete are small pockets, or pores, that allow air and water to pass through. When the weight of a concrete slab is too much, it will press down on these pores and eliminate them. This causes the soil to become more dense, leading to sinking concrete.

  3. Settlement - When the load from above presses down vertically on the soil, it causes a downward movement in the soil. If the load is too much, it causes settlement to occur. The soil slowly gets pressed down over time, leading to cracks and sinking.

Pro Lifting Solutions Can Help

If you notice hairline cracks or uneven concrete in your concrete slab, you should move quickly to have it looked at. Our team offers free estimates for concrete sinking and settling due to soil shrinkage, compaction, or settlement. Repairing concrete vs. replacing concrete can be much less disruptive and save you much money. The polyurethane concrete repair process is simple, and we are typically in and out within about four hours. To learn more, reach out to our team. We’re here to answer your questions!