Should I Repair or Replace My Concrete?

How do you know if you should repair or replace your concrete?

How do you know when it is time to replace your concrete? Or can you just repair it?

cracked concrete sidewalk

When you have a sunken, uneven driveway, your first thought might be that you have to replace the concrete. But is there a possibility that you can repair it instead?

Our concrete driveways and walkways take a beating. Concrete is heavy and strong, but it’s not indestructible. With heavy vehicles driving on it, animals burrowing underneath it, erosion from weather, and poor soil compaction, your driveway and sidewalks can end up with cracks, potholes, uneven portions, spalling, and more.

How do you know when to repair it?

Uneven concrete should always be considered for repair. Sunken concrete can be lifted, and voids beneath the concrete can be filled with polyurethane foam. This foam will expand to fill voids under concrete. It cures quickly and is a permanent solution to the problem. Because we offer free estimates on repairs, it is worth having your concrete inspected to see if repair is an option. In most cases, it is, and this can save you thousands of dollars, and repairs can be done in just one day.

When should you replace concrete?

When multiple large cracks of a quarter-inch or more appear, replacement may need to be considered. Large potholes may also be a cause for concern. When you couple either or both of these with advanced age, you may want to consider replacing concrete driveways or sidewalks. However, we recommend having it inspected by someone who performs repairs first because it may be possible in some cases.

Our final recommendation

When in doubt, have your concrete looked at by a professional. Concrete that is in disrepair isn’t just unsightly. It can be dangerous as a trip hazard to those walking and hard on vehicles that must drive on it. Don’t ignore concrete problems. The earlier you get them looked at, the better the chances of repair over replacement are.

Our team serves all of South Dakota and some areas of states neighboring South Dakota. We have worked in construction for decades, foundation repair and waterproofing being some of our specialties. We know how important concrete repair is and that what’s most important is protecting your investment in your home. Contact us today to get your free estimate.